Destination Melbourne: Spruiking the Springs

MELTON mayor Kathy Majdlik’s passion for the city is about more than simple enthusiasm.            

Cr Majdlik (pictured), whose family was among the first to move into Caroline Springs in 1997, says the chance to spruik the municipality is a role she plays with pride. 

“Promoting Melton is one of my favourite parts of the job,” she says. “I’m passionate about it, so it’s easy.” 

Seated at one of her favourite spots at Slices Family Restaurant, she gestures out to Lake Caroline: “My daughter absolutely loves feeding the ducks; it’s a daily activity.” 

Cr Majdlik says that with 42 babies born and 37 families moving into the municipality every week, Melton is the second fastest-growing area in Australia. 

“We’re close to Melbourne, we’re the home of harness racing. There’s Hannah Watts Park, Caroline Springs library and the recently opened $22 million Melton library,” the mayor says.  

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