What’s on around Melton, Moorabool

Wedding expo: Tabcorp Park Melton presents the 2013 Wedding Expo from 10am-3pm on August 4. Find all your wedding needs under one roof. 2 Ferris Road, Melton. Visit: tabcorppark.com.au

Activity centre: Melton South Community Centre is offering classes in CPR, fibreglass nails and jewellery- making.  26 Exford Road, Melton South. Visit: meltonsouth.org.au or call 9747 8576

Hypnotic performance: Australia’s funniest hypnotist, Bizarre Gazzard, will perform on July 13 at Tabcorp Park, Melton. Bookings: 8746 0600 or tabcorppark.com.au

Green team: Melton Environmental Group will be planting in Brookfield from 10am-noon on June 22, meeting at Arnolds Creek west of the roundabout at the corner of Coburns Road and Black Dog Drive. A Melton Botanic Garden birdwalk will be held from 9-11am on June 30 from William Street. Details: 0438 277 252

Badminton: Looking for a fun, indoor sports challenge? Join us on Sunday afternoons from 2.30-4.30pm playing badminton in Bacchus Marsh. Details: bmbadminton@bigpond.com or call 0422 412 964

Our neighbourhood: Australia Post is offering a grants program, with charities and community organisations invited to apply for grants of between $1000 and $25,000. Applications close on Friday, June 28. Visit ourneighbourhood.com.au or pick up an application kit at any Australia Post outlet.