Moorabool residents flag through budget

JUST three written submissions were submitted for Moorabool council’s proposed 2013-14 budget and no residents spoke at last Wednesday’s special meeting.

Mayor Pat Toohey said he believed the vast majority of residents were happy with the budget, which proposed an average rate increase of 5.5 per cent.

Among the submissions received, resident Rob Salt expressed concern that the shire would not be able to sustain the proposed Bacchus Marsh aquatic centre.

Council responded with an assurance that business modelling would ensure the facility did not become a financial drain.

Mr Salt also emphasised the importance of access for all abilities and asked that a section of the pool have a ramp, a sentiment council agreed to consider in the design process.

Gordon’s Jeremy Maddox called for sewerage to be connected across Gordon as part of the town’s structure plan, which is being exhibited until July 5.

The council said provisions to add an extra 150-190 connections would occur should the town “grow very rapidly and sewerage capacity be reached”.

Mr Maddox also called on council to consider a wind farm policy supporting construction of more wind turbines in Moorabool.

Margaret Scarff also supported more wind farms, “rejecting the implication” in the budget’s community well-being section that the turbines could pose a threat to residents’ health.

Council will consider the submissions before the final budget is presented tomorrow night.