What’s on around Melton, Moorabool

Activity centre: Melton South Community Centre is offering classes in acrylic nails, anaphylaxis training, asthma management, astronomy, budget cooking, and how to build a vegie and herb garden. Details: 9747 8576.

Badminton: Looking for a fun, indoor sporting challenge on a weekend? Then join us on a Sunday arvo. playing badminton in Bacchus Marsh. 2.30pm-4.30 pm. Details: bmbadminton@bigpond.com or 0422 412 964.

Our neighbourhood: Australia Post is offering a grants program, with eligible charities and community organisations invited to apply for grants of between $1000 and $25,000 to support local projects. Applications close on Friday, June 28. More details: visit ourneighbourhood.com.au or pick up an application kit at any Australia Post outlet.

Hypnotic performance: Australia’s funniest hypnotist, Bizarre Gazzard, will perform on July 13 at Tabcorp Park, Melton. Bookings: 8746 0600 or tabcorppark.com.au.

Volunteers needed: AMES provides support for newly arrived refugees throughout the western suburbs and is seeking volunteers to help clients settle in their new community. Details: 8398 4700 or jaenschm@ames.net.au.

Research volunteers: Victoria University seeks volunteers to take part in a 16-week study investigating the effect of two herbal supplements on obesity and hunger control. Participants must be overweight — body mass index of greater than 25 or waist circumference greater than 94 centimetres for men and 80 centimetres for women — and aged between 20 and 60. Participants will receive free nutrition advice once a fortnight at VU’s St Albans campus. Details: katie.astell@live.vu.edu.au.

Financial wisdom: Seminars to be held at Taylors Lakes Hotel’s Starlight Centre include Understanding Your Pension, June 18, 6pm-9pm; Understanding Property Investments, Tuesday, June 25, 6pm-9pm. Details: fis.seminar.bookings@humanservices.gov.au.