Fire levy change worries Moorabool mayor

MOORABOOL mayor Pat Toohey is concerned that ratepayers are not prepared for the state government’s new fire services levy.

From July 1 the levy will be collected with council rates rather than through home insurance. New rates notices will be issued in August.

Cr Toohey said the government had pushed the collection of the levy onto councils.

“We’re concerned that our community has not been fully informed of the changes to the fire services levy, which will be implemented in this year’s cycle of rates notices at the direction of the state government,” he said.

The levy is based on a fixed charge and a variable charge based on property value, rather than the level of insurance a homeowner purchases.

Mr Croxford said there was no overlap of payments for residents between their current insurance policy and the levy added to their 2013-14 rates notice.

He said fire services levies already paid as part of insurance premiums covered the  current financial year.

“The fire services property levy you will pay on your rates notice after July 1 covers 2013-14,” he said.

Under the new system, some organisations now exempt from rates will have to contribute to the levy.

 Eligible pensioners and veterans will get a $50 concession per household. GST and stamp duty which was being charged on fire service levies under insurance policies will be abolished.

State Treasurer Michael O’Brien said it was a fairer system.

“It’s fair that all property owners, not just those who adequately insure, should make a contribution towards keeping our fire services going,’’ he said. 

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