Sunbury vote: Give us a voice too, says Diggers Rest

A CAN of worms has opened wide with the announcement of a poll to decide whether Sunbury gets its own local government identity.

The Weekly has been inundated with calls from residents of neighbouring Diggers Rest, which is primarily within the Melton city limits and has a rural rump in Hume.

“I was under the understanding that Diggers Rest and Bulla were meant to be part of the ‘Sunbury out of Hume’ study,” Sunbury south resident and Hume voter Margaret Abernethy said. “I haven’t seen anything about these two areas being included.”

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While some residents have a chance to vote, they have no idea whether their properties will be included in the proposed municipality or how a restructured council will stack up economically for future ratepayers.

Local Government Minister Jeanette Powell and the Liberal candidate for the federal seat of McEwen, Donna Petrovich, initiated the October plebiscite.

Diggers Rest resident Alan Coates votes in Melton but, like most people in his town, feels no kinship to the municipality’s main city. 

“To join Sunbury would be much more beneficial for schools, medical, shopping, police and entertainment . . . everything,” he said.

Neighbour John Rowe said 95 per cent of Diggers Rest residents had little or no association with Melton.

“We are much more connected to Sunbury than we will ever be to Melton,” he said 

Fellow resident David O’Connor agreed. ‘‘Given the changes to the urban growth boundary (UGB) for Melbourne, Diggers Rest is now an integral part of the expanded UGB for Sunbury,” he said.

‘‘Residents of Diggers Rest currently have access to many Hume City Council services as a neighbouring municipality. It is not exactly clear what the outcome would be for Diggers Rest in the event of a breakaway.

‘‘In my opinion, Diggers Rest is well serviced by the City of Melton. Others may disagree . . . it makes sense that Diggers Rest residents be given the opportunity to take part in the vote.”

But Ms Powell dismissed any widening of the plebiscite.

“The government is not considering any changes to municipal boundaries other than the Sunbury poll regarding the future of  Hume council,” she said.

“The Sunbury poll in October will inform me, as minister,  whether there is a strong desire by the Sunbury or Hume council communities to establish a panel to make formal recommendations in accordance with the Act on creating a separate municipality.’’.

Melton council CEO Kelvin Tori said there had been no suggestion Diggers Rest would be included in the voting process.

— With Tara Murray and Stephanie Zevenbergen