Resident ejected from Melton Council meeting

POLICE were called to last week’s Melton Council meeting after a heated row between residents and mayor Kathy Majdlik.

The spat occurred when a resident became unhappy with a response she received during question time. She had asked if any councillors had outside interests in real estate and property development.

Cr Majdlik adjourned the meeting for about 30 minutes while police were called to remove the woman. All councillors and council officers left the chamber except Cr Lara Carli.

“I didn’t feel we needed to adjourn the meeting. I don’t see what the reason was for not answering the question,” Cr Carli said.

Council customer engagement manager Daniel Hogan said the adjournment “was unfortunately required as a result of a small number of individuals refusing to observe appropriate behaviour within chambers, even when called to order by the mayor”.