Q&A: Push for time limits at council meetings

A MELTON residents group fears proposed changes to the council’s public question time will “silence” ratepayers.

Cr Bob Turner last week moved a motion to change the way question time operates, including the introduction of a 20-minute limit.

Changes also include a two-minute limit on each question and answer from the public.

The motion, which failed for the lack of a seconder, will likely return to council at its next general meeting.

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Cambridge, Coburn and Watts Residents Association president Nathan Miles said a 20-minute limit on question time would be diabolical.

“These proposed changes are not democratic, fair or just. I believe they serve to silence our community.

“They are restricting the openness and transparency of council to the community. They are also open to be seriously abused and misused.”

During question time last week, Mr Miles asked two questions as an individual and two on behalf of the residents association, which the council refused to answer.

Cr Lara Carli told the Weekly all questions should be answered, regardless of who they came from.

“I would like to see the number of questions increased. We’ve got so many different associations in the municipality. If someone personally asked to two questions I feel they have a right to ask another two questions on behalf of an organisation.”

Mr Miles said the council had to remain accountable, and answer to the community. “Residents only have the opportunity once a month to ask council questions. Council must be transparent. Melton Council’s attempt to silence the community and restrict transparency is unacceptable.”