Burglars pounce across Melton

POLICE are seeking public help after a spate of burglaries at construction sites during the Easter long weekend.

Four houses under construction were broken into in Melton, Eynesbury, Plumpton and Melton West.

Thieves stole items including granite bench tops, laminated cupboards, a dishwasher and a split-system airconditioner.

Detective Senior Sergeant Barry Jenks said such thefts were an ongoing problem in Melton because of the high number of housing developments.

“The whole surrounds of Melton and Caroline Springs are new developments; it’s a ripe picking ground for criminals,” he said. “Historically, they can steal appliances like hot water services and fittings.”

Detective Senior Sergeant Jenks said such thefts were difficult to police, because most incidents occurred in isolated areas without witnesses.

Some housing developers had taken measures into their own hands, installing security cameras on work sites.

“We rely on the vigilance of people who are already living in those places or people driving by who see people who shouldn’t be there,” he said. “We’ve had episodes in the past year where groups of three or four sites have all been broken into and a range of appliances have been stolen. These days builders know it’s risky to install those until just before handover.”

Information to Melton police: 9747 7999.