Jackie Chan saga erupts at fiery council meeting 

A SHAKEN Bacchus Marsh resident has called on Moorabool Council to review its security practices at council meetings amid allegations a Maddingley man abused and intimidated councillors during one of its meetings.

Bacchus Marsh police will investigate the matter after East Moorabool ward councillor Paul Tatchell played security guard and led a resident out of the council chambers after a stream of bad language.

The male resident, who owns a ram complained about by neighbours because of its aggressiveness, used expletives in describing his neighbours and argued with mayor Pat Toohey over conditions attached to a permit he received a fortnight ago.

The owner has been allowed by council to keep his ram, named Jackie Chan, as a pet.

A female neighbour said she feared for her personal safety during the outburst in the council chamber.

‘‘Yes, he could have gone off his head,’’ she told The Weekly. ‘‘He could have attacked somebody. We had no idea he was going to be there on the night.’’

The neighbour said Jackie Chan’s owner  turned to her and her husband in the gallery during his outburst: ‘‘I remember thinking, is he going to lunge at us?’’’

The drama began after the ram’s owner argued with Cr Toohey during public question time: ‘‘What is this load of garbage you’ve given me?’’

‘‘He’s [the sheep] out there in the elements, he’s got no shelter. If it pours down rain you’re going to flood him out, and he’s going to drown. This is an extreme emergency situation.

‘‘I have a letter from a doctor saying a dog from [neighbouring house] bit him [the sheep] on the arse.’’

The matter appeared settled when the owner said ‘‘thank you’’ after Moorabool council chief executive officer Rob Croxford promised a council officer would meet with him today to discuss the permit conditions.

However, despite concerns for his sheep, the owner remained seated in the gallery for the remainder of the meeting before launching into his tirade.

‘‘You gave me no time, you shut me down real early, mate,’’ he said.

‘‘I’m really not impressed, mate. I had a shitload to read out and you cut me off. I’ve got a disability and you f—— put me down, mate. It’s really not nice.’’

When Cr Toohey asked the ram owner to be quiet, he replied: ‘‘Yeah, I’ll be quiet, but you’re f—— not nice mate.’’ 

In between shouting expletives, the Jackie Chan guardian  said he’d taken an intervention order our against his neighbours.

‘‘This is all for a f—— sheep, it’s been over my car, my house, the smell of the f—— house, the whole lot, mate. You’ve never let me f—— sleep, mate.

‘‘[East Moorabool ward councillor] John Spain lives in my street, what the hell goes on … that’s what I want to know. I didn’t even have a chance to talk.’’ After the man left the building and a council officer called police, his neighbour said: ‘‘You are all witnesses, people, welcome to my world. Put that in your paper.’’