Bobby Macumber : Reflection ready for us

A Bacchus Marsh funny girl will take her act from the bathroom mirror to the international stage for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

Bobby Macumber has road-tested her schtick at the Melbourne Fringe Festival, Adelaide Fringe and countless open mic nights since she began writing Miss Interpret last May, but the nerves remain.

“I’ve never had a gig when I haven’t been nervous,” she says. “I just try to be as prepared as possible before every gig. I don’t know too many comics who haven’t been nervous before stepping onto the stage, including comics who’ve been in the business over 10 years. That’s half the excitement!”

Miss Interpret invites the audience into her world as an unqualified teacher, with personal stories that venture from the heartwarming to the everyday hilarity that’s the life of a child.

It will be Macumber’s second solo show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, after her debut last year.

She got her stand-up comedy legs after hosting sporting events and now runs a comedy room in Carlton, which prides itself on having a 50-50 split between male and female performers. Macumber plays Pugg Mahones in the city from April 5-20.
