No green light for Barkstead road upgrade

MOORABOOL Council has no plans to upgrade roads in the Barkstead area, despite residents calling for action to address safety concerns.

The Weekly reported last month that residents presented a petition to council demanding improvements to the condition of the main road into Barkstead. Maintenance work, including sealing potholes, was carried out after the petition was lodged and a council report said “no additional works” were warranted.

Resident Michael Coll questioned council’s estimations that traffic volumes were very low.

“The report . . . does not provide the dates of the study,” he said.

“Traffic volumes in and around Barkstead have increased considerably in the past few years.”

The report found only one recorded casualty in 25 years, in 2011 when a vehicle ran off Barkstead Road. The road was not considered a factor in the accident. “The roads in and around Barkstead are not considered to be less safe than the vast majority of roads in the shire,” it said.