Letters to the Editor

Re: Calder Park right turn left out (Weekly, February 26)

A second interchange at Calder Park Drive is what’s really required — a bridge over the Calder freeway to allow safe access on and off the freeway from Calder Park Drive. These changes will not improve traffic merges as the right-hand lane moves faster than the left. It makes sense to have Holden Road sealed and an interchange bridge to get Melton and Ballarat traffic away from Hillside. Huge population growth in the west requires major road investments, but no government seems to have the foresight.


Re: Mowbray directors face probe (Weekly, February 26)

Good news this disgraceful situation is being investigated. The annual end-of-year financial information parents had access to never reflected the massive debt. I hope the off-shore companies of people not already summonsed to explain will be publicly investigated.

Vanessa Sampson

Re: ‘Liveability gap’ in outer western suburbs (Weekly, March 5)

Perhaps a brown coal export project from barren fields south of Bacchus Marsh is the unemployment answer. Nearly 10,000 unemployed in the Melton area? 


Re: NBN link: Bacchus Marsh leads the way (Weekly, March 5)

I’m amazed at the Nationals/Liberal voters who want the NBN connected. Yet we are always being told it will be too expensive. The NBN is good for business? How can that be?
