Meter thief robs dialysis patients

RESIDENTS are being urged to be vigilant after the theft of a water meter at Melton Health interrupted dialysis treatments.

Djerriwarrh Health Services CEO Bruce Marshall confirmed two mains water meters and other plumbing fittings were stolen last Wednesday night.

Treatment for 24 renal dialysis patients and 70 dental patients had to be rescheduled because of the interruption to water services.

“For dialysis patients, it’s a significant issue,” Mr Marshall said.

Dialysis treatment is undertaken every 48 hours and generally takes five hours.

Melton Health patient Wendy told ABC radio she was “gobsmacked” by the theft and said missing a treatment was serious.

Western Water’s customer relations general manager, Peter Donlon, said there had been a spate of meter thefts, especially around new building developments. There have also been reports of people without permits filling tankers with water they are not paying for.

Mr Donlon said water meters were often stolen for the scrap value of the copper and brass they contain. He said offenders often believed, mistakenly, that attaching a stolen water meter to their supply diverted charges to the original property. “Our staff and contractors are regularly checking meters and can easily identify a meter that is not at the correct address.”

—Andria Cozza