Mentors help get life on track

POSITIVE role models are needed to help young adults in Melton as part of an innovative program that teaches vital life skills.

As part of Salvation Army Westcare’s Lead Tenant program, mentors will share a fully furnished four-bedroom house, rent and utility fee free, with young people in Kurunjang.

The program is aimed at preparing young adults to live independently, with mentors passing on skills like budgeting, cooking and socialising while remaining a responsible tenant.

Caroline Springs vet and Lead Tenant volunteer Bronwen Slack says being involved is rewarding and exciting.

She says the experience has opened her mind to “what the real world is like”.

Ms Slack moved to Australia from South Africa to study seven years ago and maintains her active lifestyle working and going to dance classes.

“Growing up in a situation where you haven’t been exposed to adversity, it makes you realise that there are people out there who need your help, and that you can contribute in a meaningful way.”

Reasons young people are placed in the program can include family illness or crisis, relationship conflict, abuse, abandonment or mental health and substance abuse issues.

Program manager Ralph Salera says the Kurunjang program will be the fourth in the western region.

Westcare needs four new lead tenants who can continue with their everyday life while modelling mature living skills. Lead tenants, who are helped financially, must be over 21 and prepared to make a 12-month commitment.

More details: 9312 3544 or

—Andria Cozza