Re: Smoking ban around children’s facilities

Re: Smoking ban around children’s facilities (Melton Weekly online, February 7):

Read the fine print. Banned from within 10 metres. What a joke. I live near a school and the mothers all stand around at our front gate each morning, smoking and gabbing after they drop their little darlings at school. Teachers walk the few metres out the school gate and do the same. Ban it from all public areas, including streets. Digger

Re: Main Street work ‘won’t create trade’ (Moorabool Weekly, February 5):

The way to create trade is to open more stores in the shopping centre. Too many empty stores and not enough useful ones. And parking is a major issue around the town. I’m dreading all this new housing going up because it’s already terrible trying to drive through Main Street, Gisborne Road, etc.

Julie Fox

Re: Grim prospect for Ballarat line commuters (Weekly, January 18):

What do you mean that it’ll be standing room only for commuters on the Ballarat line once the Regional Rail Link opens in 2015? By the time you reach Deer Park, half the people who get on there have to stand. Select the right peak-hour train on the way to Ballarat in the afternoon and you’re lucky to get in the door! Bro0018

Giving the young more say

I commend the commitment of Moorabool Council in supporting the needs and opportunities of young people. Moorabool is one of nine local councils to receive a $30,000 youth inclusion grant aimed at giving young people more opportunities to get involved and have a say in decision-making.

To see some of the wonderful opportunities for young people, visit

Youth Affairs Minister Ryan Smith