Consumer Affairs, tradies tracking conman

ANGRY Melton home owners and tradesmen are warning residents of a conman posing as a tradesman.

Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) has the former Melton resident, Carlos Dario Martinez, in its sights following complaints for unfinished building work.

‘‘There is no building registration held for Mr Martinez or any of his aliases, which is required for a person undertaking domestic building works costing more than $5000,’’ a spokeswoman said.

‘‘CAV has received 11 recent complaints from customers claiming that Martinez took excessive deposits for building work, failed to complete that work and then could not be contacted.’’

He is also known as Carl Martinez, Mark Kelly, Charlie Martin or Dario Martinez.

It is hard to ascertain how many people Martinez has allegedly ripped off, but Fairfax has spoken to at least a dozen who claim to have fallen prey in the past 12 months, losing a combined total well in excess of $100,000.

Melton electrician James Rickey said he was in his van at a local shop in July when Martinez approached and offered him work.

Months later, after a litany of excuses from Martinez, Mr Rickey was forced to accept he would never be paid the $12,000 he was owed for the work. ‘‘It does make you feel a bit silly,’’ Mr Rickey said. ‘‘The red flags should have gone up.’’

Western suburbs employee Adrian, who did not want his last name published, was put in touch with Martinez by a local job agency contracted by the federal government to find work for people on the dole. Martinez promised him $150 a day, but usually paid him late, and less than he owed him, before finally disappearing.

‘‘Knowing everything you know about him now, you could meet him tomorrow and he would still con money out of you.’’

Adrian, who worked for Martinez for 10 months, is owed $5000 in wages.

A tradesman, who wanted to remain anonymous, said Martinez seemed legitimate when he first approached him about some tiling work. Martinez now owes the tradesman $20,000 in unfinished work.