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Tag: parenting

Extra childcare funding to help ‘vulnerable’ families

Melton council is rejoicing after the federal government’s decision to reinstate funding for council-run occasional care and supported playgroups. Ongoing funding for supported playgroups has...

New toys and books for Melton South playgroup

Melton’s Small Potatoes is finally getting a stock of new, state-of-the-art toys. The Melton South playgroup, founded by Rebecca Macmillan a few months ago, has...

Teaching children the importance of gratitude

Parents of youngsters attending early- education centres showed their appreciation of these other ‘significant adults’ in their children’s lives as part of Early Childhood...

Melton mum nominated for ausmumpreneur awards

Lara Jennings knows the ins and outs of teaching … and its ups and downs. The Melton mother not only juggles a toddler and a...

Nurturing book-loving bubs

Parents and carers are crucial to a new scheme that aims to foster a life-long love of reading almost from birth. Moorabool council’s early-years service,...


Cat management strategy launched

Victoria's first cat management strategy has recently been launched to improve the health and wellbeing of domestic cats while protecting the state’s unique native...

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