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Tag: dance

Banjo takes the next step

Banjo has always danced to his own beat. Just three years after taking up hip hop dancing classes the 14-year-old, who trains at L2R Dance...

Grease is the word

It will be all go for these seven dancers as they make their debut in Grease - The Arena Experience this week. Melton’s Jordan, Shayla,...

Step up for busy kids

A Melton dance program needs help to keep its weekend classes moving. BusyFeet – a dance, music and movement program for children with intellectual and...

Melton dance troupe leap to victory

A group of Melton dancers has stepped up to win a national dance competition. Galactic Dance and Events students – under- 10s, 13s and 15s...


Asciak steps up

New Western Bulldogs Victorian Football League Women’s captain Steph Asciak says her younger self would be proud of where she is today. Asciak has been...

New grocer in town