Women’s cricket back for Melton


Melton is bringing back women’s cricket this season.

Having had a women’s team for a number of years, the Lions had been without one since the 2018-19 season.

That will change this season, with the club planning to have one, maybe two teams.

Former player Kareena Jacobsen-Logan will be a playing-coach this season and is excited for the club to have women’s cricket again.

“It is pretty cool,” she said. “I started playing here in 2011-12 as one of my mates played and they were short and asked me to come and fill in.

“I live in Melton so that is handy. The president and committee seem passionate to get a ladies side up and running and keep it running.”

Jacobsen-Logan last season coached St Andrews women’s side and really enjoyed the experience of coaching.

She said having a female coach made a big difference to the players.

“The club had only ever had male coaches,” she said. “They used to have to train with the men.

“They had a lot of enjoyment and we had a good number of training every week wanting to learn.”

Jacobsen-Logan said they were hoping to get two sides up and running this season, a competitive team and a more social team.

She said they were unsure what competition they would play in.

“Hopefully we can get the two teams,” she said.

“The boys are really supportive and doing everything to make it happen. The numbers are looking pretty good and we’ve had 16 players show interest. If we can get a few more we will have two teams.”

Amy Hibbert has been named vice-captain of the side having come through the Western Spirit pathway program.

Jacobsen-Logan is already in the ear of some of her former Melton teammates to get them to come back and play again at the club.

She said they were hoping that they would be able to play a mixture of T20 games and longer format to suit the needs of all the players.

Long term, she’s hoping the club can have a strong program of junior girls sides, following into senior women’s sides.