Higher cap for Burras

Diggers Rest has been granted two extra points for next season’s player points cap.

AFL Goldfields, the region’s governing body, initially knocked back the Burras’ application for extra points, choosing instead to monitor the Riddell District Football League club’s situation.

But Diggers Rest president Chris Payne met representatives from AFL Goldfields last week to argue the Burras’ case.

“We’re very happy with the outcome,” Payne said.

“I think we had a very strong case and it was all down to the population base in the area and our having only 58 juniors at the club.

“It really puts us on the back foot compared to other clubs and we believe we need those extra points to be able to compete with clubs that have junior players coming in as one-point players.”

The points cap is the first step in a two-part program to level out competitions and rein in rising player costs. The second stage, a salary cap, comes into effect in 2017.

The RDFL cap has been set at 42 points per club for the 2016 season.

Under the cap, all metropolitan and country players will be graded from one to six points based on their background and the level of football they have previously played.

Diggers Rest is the seventh club in the competition to be granted extra points for next season.

Wallan and Lancefield secured an extra six, Broadford, Rockbank and Woodend-Hesket were handed an extra three, and Melton Centrals get two.

Macedon is the only club to have its application for a boost rejected.

Payne said Diggers Rest’s attention would now switch to completing its 2016 playing squad.

“Now we have a very clear picture of what we can and can’t do in terms of players,” he said.

“The player points cap certainly brings a new dynamic into recruiting players. You can’t just go out and buy players from premier leagues who are going to be worth five points.

“You need to be ahead of the game and planning properly. Knowing where we stand, it makes it a lot easier for us in terms of finalising our list.”