Exciting times with young guns

Reece McGrath and Bailey Wilson in their AABL kits

Harper Sercombe

Two of Bacchus Marsh’s most promising basketball players have been selected as part of the All Australian Basketball League.

Bailey Wilson and Reece McGrath are two of 120 young guns selected as part of the AABL, which serves as a direct pathway into the American college basketball scene.

The AABL is a tournament that consists of 12 teams of 10 players, most of which are coached by former NBA and NBL players.

Following a try-out and combine period, players are then drafted to their respective teams. Wilson was picked up by the Dragons, coached by Warren Estcourt, while McGrath ended up at the Hornets, coached by Kelvin Bowers.

“I was pretty shocked [when I got drafted] to be honest,” Wilson said.

“It’s an amazing program, high talent, so I guess going into it I wasn’t setting any expectations.

“I just wanted to go in and try my best and getting selected was a bonus.”

McGrath said his feelings were similar to what Wilson experienced.

“I was pretty excited,” McGrath said.

“It’s a good opportunity to play with all the other boys and other teams in the competition.”

Both boys agreed that while the process to get selected was extensive and challenging, it was an enjoyable experience.

“The tryouts were pretty tough,” Wilson said.

“It was a challenge, but very good at the same time. The coaches are awesome, all super high level.

“Estcourt has been amazing, over the first two games he’s pushed me and I can already tell I’m becoming more confident.

“He’s helped me heaps already, so I can’t wait for the next few weeks.”

McGrath and Wilson have been friends and played basketball together since they were young kids, so to go through a process such as this together has been an amazing experience they said.

“It’s really good, we’ve known each other for ages,” McGrath said.

“We’ve never really played against each other, it’s always been with each other, so that will be a good challenge and good memory to have.”

“I love Reece, he’s one of my good mates,” Wilson said.

“To do this program with someone like him, it’s pretty cool.”

Both boys are hoping their journey together doesn’t end here, with the goal for them is to head over to America to continue their basketball careers.

“If I get the opportunity to play in college, it would be amazing,” Wilson said.

“And playing in the AABL is a very good pathway, I believe, just the coaches, set such a high example and push us.

“Even if I don’t get the opportunity to go to college, I’m sure that there’s plenty of kids that will from this program, but even if I don’t, I’m learning heaps from it and it’s a great experience.

“If I get the opportunity to play pro anywhere, I’d be thrilled but we’ll have to see how I go.”

McGrath already has plans to travel for basketball next year.

“That’s my goal (to play college basketball), I’m going to America next year for school and a [basketball] camp, so that should be good,” he said.

Recently there has been an increased influx of Australian basketball players in the NBA, with Josh Giddey and Dyson Daniels being picked up as top ten draft picks in the 2021 and 2022.

This, on top of the NBL’s growth in its ability to help harvest and foster young talent is something that continues to encourage and inspire young basketball players.

“Both of them (Giddey and Daniels) being from Victoria as well,” Wilson said.

“Dyson is from Bendigo so it’s a country town just like Bacchus [Marsh] where Reece and I are from.

“To see Aussies getting through, getting more of an opportunity, I know Tyrese Proctor, he’s playing for Duke now, so he’s another Aussie that will be in the NBA soon.

“Seeing boys like that go through is exciting, so hopefully I get a chance.”

The AABL tournament will run up until December 9, while Wilson and McGraths careers are only just beginning to flourish.