Bacchus Marsh claims overall division 2 title

Bacchus Marsh's division 2 champions. (Supplied)

By Tara Murray

Bacchus Marsh added the icing to the cake to an already good season as it claimed the Bowls Victoria division 2 overall title.

Having claimed the division 2, section 1 title, Bacchus Marsh beat Ringwood and Diamond Creek to win through to the overall grand final against Port Melbourne 2.

After having dominant performances in the previous two matches, it was another big win in the final as it won 80 (16)-61 (1).

Bacchus Marsh’s Tanner Dickson-Arthur said it was a pretty special moment for the club.

“It was a good feeling,’ he said. “Five years ago was the last time we played in a grand final and missed out on playing for the big flag because of Covid.

“We sat back and thought that we could have won it. It would have been three or four more games but we thought we had the side that could go the whole way.

“We knew that we would win it this year and for the club to see us win it was fantastic.”

Bacchus Marsh travelled to Glenroy for the grand final on March 16 to face Port Melbourne.

Despite missing Simon Cornock throughout the sectional finals, Bacchus Marsh had the depth to cover it

Dickson-Arthur said they put out a strong performance and they just wanted to have the opportunity to show the rest of the competition what they could do.

“It was pretty good,” he said. “We did what we did in the other games, we got out to a good lead and were able to hold on for the rest of the day.

“Phil Minniti’s rink was fantastic. They would have had a massive percentage for the finals after a number of big wins.

Minniti’s rink won 27-10, Justin Webster’s rink won 18-14 and Glenn Sargent’s rink won 23-15 for Bacchus Marsh.

Matthew Young’s rink fell short, losing 22-12.

Dickson-Arthur said after a long season they were keen to have a bit of a break after having had finals, delays and then sectional finals on top of the normal season.

He said it had been a really rewarding season for the club.

“The club won the big flag in division 2,” he said. “We are promoted in division 4 and one of our midweek teams won the grand final and are promoted as well.

“Three out of our six teams are promoted and we’ve won a couple of grand finals as well, we’re pretty happy.”