Youth summit planned for Melton


Melton council will invite key government stakeholders and youth agencies to attend a future summit on how to make lives better for young people in the area.

During a meeting on Monday, August 26, a notice of motion was passed that council facilitate a summit to explore opportunities, approaches, and resources to help youths.

This will include looking into improving engagement and participation in education as well as reducing and addressing root causes of anti-social behaviour.

Councillor Steve Abboushi, who raised the motion, said enhancing the latest generation’s wellbeing and lifestyle was conducive to a more positive outlook for all age groups.

“When young people are engaged, consulted, and included, the community gets a better outcome,” he said.

Cr Abboushi, who has a detailed and extensive resume in youth work, said it was of utmost importance to make sure young people felt supported.

“I’ve worked in youth custody for a number of years and in the children’s court and I don’t claim to be an expert but I’ll always keep trying to find ways to help our young people be engaged and feel included.”

Cr Abboushi cited recent incidents in Caroline Springs as what motivated him and the need for the summit.

“Last week we had more events of knife crimes and high schools in lockdown … I will keep going, while I have breath, to find ways to keep our young people because they are our future.”

Cr Ramsay said the issue was a “burning one” which was seen “almost weekly” in the news.

Cr Lara Carli commended Cr Abboushi for the motion and said it was among a string of efforts to help youths in the area.

“Another great initiative … I know he’s very passionate about youth in our community and he’s had some wonderful initiatives come to fruition that have had a hugely positive impact.”

Council services for youths include 6801 Youth Outreach, Reconnect, UTURN193, and The Space LGBTQIA+ group, who offer support for those facing homelessness, the justice system, and other issues.
