Young hero mature beyond his years

Aedan Bamford, 7, with mum Jessica and sister Alyssa, 6. Picture: Shawn Smits

Ask Aedan Bamford about courage and he may not be able to define it.

But he showed all the attributes of a young hero when he pulled his sisters out of a car wreck and saved his mother’s life.

The seven-year-old Lal Lal youngster last week received a high commendation from Ambulance Victoria for his courageous actions at the scene of a family car crash on the Clarendon-Lal Lal Road on April 1.

Aedan helped his sisters Paige, 1, and Alyssa, 6, get out of the car before alerting a passerby, who helped paramedics remove his mother and driver, Jessica Peillon, from the wreckage.

Ambulance Victoria presented Aedan with his certificate at Lal Lal Primary School in front of his classmates and friends. Speaking at the presentation, intensive-care paramedic team manager Mark Brown commended Aedan for staying calm in a situation that would have “flustered” many adults.

“It’s unbelievable, the heroics he has shown on the day,” he said.

“To have the mindset after an accident like that, to remove both of his little sisters from the vehicle, is incredible.

“He demonstrated unbelievable maturity and thought processes to help his sisters. His thought process was well and truly beyond his years.”

Aedan, an aspiring firefighter, told Star Weekly he was very excited to receive the award.

“I felt really proud … and I want to be a fireman because I like helping people.”

While the three children escaped unscathed, their mother was airlifted to the Royal Melbourne Hospital with a broken neck.

Ms Peillon, who is still in a neck brace, said Aedan had a great sense of responsibility and maturity, generally.

“It’s great that he’s been recognised for his actions, his quick thinking and his mature thinking,” she said.

“And I’d like to thank the other people who were at the scene … who helped pull us out of there.”