The first WYNnovation festival will be held next month.
Wyndham’s future focused economy portfolio holder Cr Walter Villagonzalo said the six-day festival would include a program focusing on new businesses.
“Council is keen to develop and facilitate programs that enable growth in start-ups,” Cr Villagonzalo said.
He said the business program, called Innovate to Accelerate, would provide 10 local businesses with mentoring support.
The festival would also feature demonstrations of robotic and virtual technologies from Deakin University and Victoria Polytechnic.
A free masterclass with Dr Michael Hewitt-Gleeson, who co-founded the School of Thinking with Edward de Bono in New York, will also be held as part of the festival at the Werribee Racing Club on March 1.
“Wyndham is a city that encourages and enables innovation and entrepreneurship, and WYNnovation is the perfect example of that,” Cr Villagonzalo said.
“This program is here to stay and council is committed to developing it into a major event on the city’s business calendar.”
The WYNnovation festival, a Wyndham council event, will be from Thursday, March 1 to Tuesday, March 6, with support from Deakin University and Victoria University.
The event is booked out, but interested parties can join a waiting list in case of cancellations.
Visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/services/business-investment/business-awards-special-events/wynnovation for details.