With gifts to bear

Djerriwarrh Lodge Secretary David Suttie, Red Cross Melton Trauma Teddies coordinator Jean Dickson and Djerriwarrh Lodge Worshipful Master Trevor Rosan. (Jacob Pattison) 373403_03

Melton Red Cross Trauma Teddies has received a funding boost to continue giving children comfort in their time of need.

Over 30 years the charity has hand-knitted thousands of bears and donated them to local medical centres, pathology clinics, and police stations to comfort children in their hardest moments.

On Tuesday, November 28, Djerriwarrh Masonic Lodge gave the group a holiday funding boost with a $700 donation.

Red Cross Melton Trauma Teddies Coordinator Jean Dickson said the donation is greatly appreciated and will provide wool, needles and continued help with more much-needed teddies.

“We have delivered many teddies to Bacchus Marsh Hospital, for Torres Strait Island relief and fire relief,” she said.

“I receive great feedback from the staff at pathology departments and medical centres, this gives me a lot of personal satisfaction.”

Djerriwarrh Lodge Worshipful Master Trevor Rosan said the teddies are a very valuable community resource at a very low price.

“The relief it brings to kids under trauma is big – they love a teddy to cuddle when they’re in strife, it’s a natural response, give them teddy and they feel better,” he said.