Imagining a week without violence in Melton

Felicity Antony. Picture: Kristian Scott

Melton women are vowing to make violence a thing of the past – and they’re promising to be the voice of the voiceless, committing not to stay silent.

They’re the Melton Women Making It Happen (MWMIH) group, formed earlier this year as part of International Women’s Day. Since then, the women have met every few weeks to brainstorm ideas, collaborate on projects and raise awareness of domestic violence.

This week has been declared Week Without Violence.

Group member Felicity Antony said it was imperative that locals get together and stand against violence.

“Violence affects everyone in different ways and it’s so important that local communities come together and show their support,” Ms Antony said. “At times when you’re going through those things, you might feel worthless; we’re here to say you’re not and we won’t tolerate violence at Melton.”

In Melton alone, almost 2000 incidents of domestic violence were reported in the past financial year, recent Crime Statistics Agency data revealed.

Ms Antony said stories about the horrors perpetrated on women and children – deaths that could and should have been avoided – were all too common. She invited people to imagine seven days without violence then join MWMIH in making violence a thing of the past. Call Djerriwarrh Health Services on 9361 9360.