Waves of fun

Bluefit chief executive Todd McHardy and Melton council acting chief executive Maurie Heaney. (Damjan Janevski) 255628_06

Melton Waves Leisure Centre is excited to welcome back guests as Victoria once again opens up.

Bluefit chief executive Todd McHardy said it was a “really exciting” time for the community to be able to take advantage of the facility once again.

“It was hard for everyone, but people have realised that facilities like ours are vital for health and wellbeing,” Mr McHardy said.

“They also provide social connection for people, so it’s great that people have been able to recognise that.

“We’re excited to see people back, whether it’s swimming clubs, lap swimmers, or families.”

Melton Waves officially welcomed some crowds back this past weekend, with more amenities like the 50-metre outdoor pool, group fitness and learn to swim lessons returning early this month.

Strict COVID-19 guidelines will be in place to ensure the health and wellbeing of all visitors.

Michaela Meade