Darley Park clubrooms trashed by vandals again

Moorabool ratepayers will foot a $5000 repair bill after vandals destroyed clubrooms and equipment at Darley Park five times in the past two months.

In the latest incident, vandals attempted to smash a window, causing about $400 damage.

Hot water services have been smashed, aerials and doors broken, and scoreboards damaged in the past two months.

Darley Football Club president Grant Wright said the destruction was “incredibly frustrating”.

“This is ratepayers’ money that could be better spent somewhere else, but instead has to be spent on this,” he said.

“It looks like it’s getting to the point where we have to vandal-proof the entire area, which is costly in itself.”

Moorabool mayor Allan Comrie slammed the vandalism as a “disgrace”, and the vandals “idiots”, calling on any witnesses to contact police.

“This mindless act costs ratepayers money, costs our staff time, costs children and park users the ability to enjoy the park, and has forced football and netball clubs off the park at times,” Cr Comrie said.

“Our public spaces are for everyone to enjoy, and we don’t need idiots like this ruining it for all.”

Moorabool police has been contacted for comment.

Anyone with information is urged to call CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000.