Top teacher recognised

Melton Primary School teacher Tiffany Thomas. (Supplied)

Michaela Meade

Melton Primary School teacher Tiffany Thomas was humbled and surprised at her nomination for an award in the 2021 Victorian Education Excellence Awards.

The awards, in their 20th year, recognise teachers, principals, business managers, and education support staff in public education.

Ms Thomas is nominated for the Outstanding Early Career Primary Teacher award, which recognises effective and innovative teachers in the first five years of their teaching career who have demonstrated excellence in teaching practice and have made a significant contribution to improving student achievement, engagement, and wellbeing.

Ms Thomas was nominated by the principal leadership team at the school, and said she believed her nomination was sparked by her “far from normal” career start.

“I began my teaching career in mid-2020 and it was announced shortly after that the whole term would be remote learning,” she said.

“My teaching philosophy is always to put relationships first and I did that the best I could during remote learning.

“I was able to form meaningful relationships with my class during remote learning by taking the time to get to know them and embedding student choice.

“I believe this approach let my students know I was stability in their rocky year and I cared for them.”

Ms Thomas said it was an honour to be considered.

“To be nominated for this award is very humbling and surprising,” she said.

“To be nominated alongside such wonderful and inspiring teachers and schools is a privilege I do not undervalue.

“It is great to be recognised in my field and bring attention to the fantastic work and mentoring that Melton Primary School delivers.”

Awards winners will be announced this month.