Time to learn

Melton Council are filming special classes at the community hub to help people learn in isolation. Pic of Craig Castree. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 208299_01

Ewen McRae

Community centres and learning hubs may be temporarily closed, but Melton council is ensuring that education doesn’t take a back seat.

As part of its Lifelong Learning initiative, council has been running a number of classes online, including special tutorials to help locals stay informed and continue learning throughout the COVID-19 lockdown.

Everything from learning a new language, to brushing up on your sewing skills, international cooking, computer programs and social media, painting, and job skills is covered in the new online program.

Melton mayor Lara Carli said it was important that residents kept their minds active and used their time at home wisely.

“This is the ideal opportunity to learn something new, whether it’s a skill you’ve always wanted to acquire, or something you feel inspired to try,“ Cr Carli said.

“For some residents, it will be a chance to return to your favourite regular class in a new way.

“Not only are the classes a rewarding activity to do at home, they’ll also provide you with new, lifelong skills.”

The online portal also has lessons to help businesses develop emergency and first aid skills, and a number of vocational training courses.

Details: meltonlearning.com.au/

Ewen McRae