The money and the mo

By Ewen McRae

Matt Clark admits he might not grow the thickest moustache this month, but he’s making his mark in other ways as one of Australia’s biggest Movember fundraisers.
The Bacchus Marsh man last year raised $12,615, putting him in the top 20 fundraisers in the country. This year he’s raised almost $10,000 at the half way point of the month.
He said a cause as important as men’s health deserved a lot of support.
“I put a fair bit of pressure on myself to get the word out and raise the funds, but it’s a great cause so it’s all worth it,” he said.
“I’ve got to know the guys at the Movember Foundation a bit, and seeing how hard they work for this cause really drives me to do whatever I can each year.
“Whether it’s prostate or testicular cancer research, or mental health awareness and suicide prevention, it’s all important work that’s being done and all causes close to my heart.”
On top of raising the funds, Mr Clark said the best thing was seeing more and more moustaches out and about, and starting a conversation on the importance of good health among men.
“It’s always encouraging to see all the Mo’s around town, and knowing that everyone’s doing their bit,” he said.
“I actually had a guy who’s donated to me each year, he called me a couple of weeks ago to thank me because he got himself checked out when he wouldn’t have otherwise, so I was thrilled to hear that and see that what we’re doing can make a difference.”