Residents vow to fight phone tower


Taylors Hill residents are vowing to fight construction of a 25-metre mobile phone tower in their “backyards”.

Stavroula Singh, who built her family home at Exhibition Parade in 2005, is spearheading a campaign objecting to plans by Vodafone and Optus for a tower at a Taylors Hill reserve.

Ms Singh has started a Facebook group – Taylors Hill and Hillside residents objection to telecommunications facility – and a petition pleading with the council to deny the telcos’ a planning permit.

“I’m a little worried with what decision the council would come to but I’m hoping that through the efforts we’ve made, hopefully they’ll consider our side of the story,”
Ms Singh said.

“Even if they grant the permit, I guess I’ll sleep better at night knowing I’ve exhausted all possible avenues.”

Taylors Hill residents vehemently objected 10 years ago to a planning application by Telstra for a mbile tower at the same location. At the time, more than 500 residents signed a petition objecting to the plan.

Ms Singh said residents were concerned about the proximity of the proposed tower to homes.

“I don’t want our children to be guniea pigs for what could potentially be a health risk,” she said. “No one’s done enough research to say conclusively we’re not going to get sick. I don’t want my family exposed to this.”

A site plan submitted by Vodafone to Melton council, and seen by Star Weekly, shows the proposed site for the tower is right behind numbers 21, 23 and 25 Timele Drive, Taylors Hill. There are houses on all four sides of the reserve.

Timele Drive resident Cathryn Pistritto said she worried about the potential health effects of this “humongous thing in our backyards” and would be working with her neighbours to oppose it.

“We’ve all got children in the street – I have four of my own – and that [the tower]just bothers me,” Ms Pistritto said.

Almost 100 people have joined the Facebook page and Ms Singh is hoping the petition gains momentum.

“[Ten years ago], a petition got around and that was helpful for council [in] considering the other side, and that’s what prompted me to go ahead,” Ms Singh said.

“I had written letters just outlining my concerns to the councillors and I got a lack of response … I just thought maybe they weren’t as concerned as myself and the residents about a telecommunications facility going up.”

To get a copy of the petition, visit