Students ask R U OK?

R U OK Day at Brookside P-9 College students Paige, Alyce, Jessica, Rhiannon and Erica. (Damjan Janevski) 355375_01

“R U OK?“ was the question on everyone’s lips at Brookside P-9 College last week, with the school holding a range of events on the theme and launching a new mural.

Throughout the week the school held Circle Time activities, held mental health presentations with Australian Institute of Sport, Batyr Mental Health and Brainstorm Productions, as well as peer teaching workshops lead by year nine students for year six students.

On of R U Ok? Day, Thursday September 14, the school held a celebration which began with student ambassadors asking R U Ok? to students and families arriving at the school gates followed by activities including arts and crafts, bean bag toss, yellow hair spray, a photobooth, planting, and chalk drawings.

There was also music by the No Bull youth group, and prize giveaways for students and a special performance by Gamilaraay man Mitch Tambo who will delivered a presentation to promote awareness of history and culture of First Nations people that included songs and spoken word.

Brookside P-9 College school counsellor Kristienne Martin said the mission was to create awareness, inspire and empower young people to support anyone who is struggling with their mental health.

“We want to enhance connection within our school community as an early prevention to mental health issues and suicide,“ she said.

“Our goals for the event are to boost student confidence to seek help early, facilitate connection to others and to build support systems, strengthen the sense of belonging by creating a supportive school environment that is open to conversations around mental health and provide students with a sense of leadership and responsibility by taking active roles in the delivery of mental health awareness at the school.“