Strategy to improve air quality announced

(Tim Foster/Unsplash)

The state government has released a strategy aimed at improving air quality across the state.

Energy, environment and climate action minister Lily D’Ambrosio released the Clean air for all Victorians Strategy, Victoria’s first overarching plan aimed at addressing air pollution, which sets out clear, sustainable and cost-effective approaches to target air pollution and improve air quality over the next decade.

“Through our air quality strategy we’re ensuring Victorians can enjoy clean air now and into the future, as we prepare to meet the challenges of climate change, population growth and increasing growth of our cities,” Ms D’Ambrosio.

The strategy identifies practical ways that Victorian households, industry, business and transport can reduce pollution and raises awareness about the impact of air pollution on human health and the environment by encouraging Victorians to act through community education programs.

By world standards, air quality in Victoria is generally good. However, some communities experience worse air quality than others.
