A step in the right direction

Walk to school safely month. Aiden with mom Kelly Parsons Pic Marco De Luca

Melton Primary School pupils will be walking on the safe side to school next week as part of a national road safety and health campaign.

The annual Walk Safely to School Day, on May 18, encourages primary school children, their parents and carers to walk and commute regularly and safely to school.

The program promotes road safety, health and the environment and aims to curb the decline in walking and/or taking public transport to school.

Melton Primary School principal Vanessa Harris said that the school encourages its pupils to walk to school every day.

“Walking to school with a parent is something that we’ve encouraged for a long time because it helps to promote a healthy lifestyle and get the children outside and involved in the school community,” Ms Harris said.

“It also helps with traffic congestion around the school. If parents can’t walk all the way, we encourage driving part of the way and walk the rest.”

Primary school pupils around the country will be participating in the Walk Safely to School day by wearing stickers and promoting the event in their communities.

Information: walk.com.au