Staughton College takes a stand against violence

Teacher Angela Watters and year 10 student Gemma at the workshop. Picture: Shawn Smits

Staughton College students are sending a loud and clear message to their community: there’s no room for violence.

As part of Community West’s Love Bites workshop, year 9-10 students last week explored what constitutes violence and sexual assault and produced a “creative response” to the issue.

More than 100,000 high school students throughout Australia have joined the interactive program.

Its western-Melbourne region co-ordinator Danielle Whelan said the key message on the day was that violence was never the right choice.

“The program addresses specific situations young people encounter, including social media and the internet,” Ms Whelan said.

“Prevention is key to combating violence against women, and Love Bites has proved highly successful in educating young people about the importance of respectful relationships.”

Year 10 student Gemma painted thought-provoking words on a cardboad sheet as part of last Friday’s workshop.