Special day for Sunbury dad

Father Tim Racovalis with twins Mackenzie and Cody (Robin Bristow)

This Father’s Day, Sunbury dad Tim Racovalis felt a range of emotions from excited and euphoric to bittersweet and sentimental.

After son Lachie was stillborn two years ago, Mr Racovalis’ wife Colleen fell pregnant with triplets.

She lost one of them in the womb but gave birth to twins Mackenzie and Cody at 29 weeks and four days.

Born at Monash Medical Centre, they have since been transferred to Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s Centre in St Albans and are “holding up really well.”

Father’s Day is particularly “meaningful” after everything he and his wife have been through, Mr Racovalis said.

“Obviously with the history that we had with Lachie, the previous years were a little bit numb because our little boy wasn’t with us,” he said.

“But this year it is a magical ride – we are blessed to have these two little miracles.”

Mr Racovalis said he has been “visualising” returning home with his children.

“It’s definitely going to be a very overwhelming feeling because we haven’t had that experience yet,” he said.

“Being able to walk through that front door will be emotional and surreal but we can’t wait … as a dad, the best feeling you can have is knowing your family is safe.”

Despite having to overcome significant pain and loss, it has been worth it for the couple.

”All that fear during each pregnancy scan and every new ultrasound has paid off because we’ve got these two,” said Mr Racovalis.

Mr Racovalis said it was an “honour” to bring up daughter Mackenzie and son Cody and follow in the footsteps of his own parents.

“I want to be the father my dad is to me and Colleen’s dad is to her. I’ll be happy to raise our kids to be the best that they can.”

Eddie Russell