Soccer for solidarity

Bertie Sanday, Gini Merange, Fatima Hoblos and Yamama Shourbaji from Palestine advocacy groups across Melbourne's west. (Damjan Janevski) 428756_01

This weekend, communities from around Melbourne’s west are coming together in Albion for the Solidarity Cup for Palestine.

This Saturday, September 14, Selwyn Park will play host to a seven-a-side tournament, with an under-10s and an open competition.

All funds raised will go to the Palestine Sports for Life (Gaza and the West Bank) and the Gazan Urban Women Agripreneurs Forum.

In partnership with Community Soccer Hub, a western bloc of solidarity groups for Palestine, spanning Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Wyndham and Melton, have joined forces to organise the day.

Organiser Fatima Hoblos said it was a special opportunity to build solidarity across communities in the west.

“We recognise that football is a beloved sport in Palestine, connecting it to many cultures across the world. Let us make this connection visible on the field,” she said.

The cup is a family-friendly day, with music and a variety of activities.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a picnic and a mat or camping chairs and enjoy a day out.

On-street parking is available around the venue.

It starts at 10am and will go through to 3pm.

Tickets are $10 for spectators, or $20 for a family or group of four.

Alternatively, if you can’t make it but still want to contribute, virtual solidarity tickets are available for $5.


Gerald Lynch