Skye a real high for Ryan

Ryans Family and Bacchus Marsh Lions Club are raising funds for an assistance dog. Pic Marco De Luca

Ryan’s one wish is for a dog – but not just any dog.

The six-year-old from Hopetoun Park has autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. He was assigned an assistance dog a year ago through Amaze (formerly Autism Australia), naming the Labrador puppy Skye.

Ryan has been visiting Skye regularly throughout her intensive year-long training in Melbourne, building a strong bond.

But Ryan’s mum, Bec Taylor, will need to raise about $27,000 to cover training and support costs before Skye will be able to join them.

Ms Taylor said Skye would change the lives of her entire family.

“Each dog is trained to specifically cater to the needs of each individual child,” she said.

“It’s often hard for people to understand why someone might need a $27,000 dog.

“Sometimes, going out with Ryan, it can be overwhelming because I have a child that responds differently to every little noise. It’s like a sensory overload for him.

“Skye will be able to learn Ryan’s cues and … will be able to ensure that his episodes won’t be as extreme. First and foremost, they are considered service dogs.

“That means if Ryan gets lost or runs off, Skye will know how to track him.

“They are trained to follow commands from parents, stop at doorways and resist the child moving away by using its weight to slow or stop the child.”

Ryan’s community has thrown its support behind the family, with an online campaign raising more than $6000.

The Bacchus Marsh Lions Club has also stepped up, raising money through a Bunnings sausage sizzle.

Ms Taylor said that she “couldn’t be more thankful for all the support” the community is offering.

Lions club secretary Len Murfitt said the group was happy to lend a hand.

“Bec came and spoke to a Lions meeting and explained the benefit that an assistance dog would be to Ryan and the family,” he said.

“An autism assistance dog is an expensive project. Some of our members were aware of companion dogs, hearing assistance dogs and seeing eye dogs, all of which Lions Australia supports.”

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