Sizzling snags for schools

Men's group members John Cancian and and Wayne McKnight with Arnolds Creek Primary principal Frank Pawlowicz and students. (Provided).

The Melton Men’s Group have taken up the Australian tradition of providing Bunnings snags to the local community, using the position to raise money for local schools.

For the past six weeks the Men’s Group has been running the barbeque between 11am and 4pm, donating half the profits from each day to different primary schools in the Melton area.

On Monday, August 7, the group visited Arnolds Creek Primary School to deliver the money raised from the first barbeque.

Melton Men’s Group president Les Chitts said the group are trying to do their little bit to help the community.

“We decided we wanted to help the primary schools out because they’re the ones that are finding it hard,” he said.

“Mum and dad might have big mortgages, kids might want to go on excursions or get some new school clothes.

“We leave it up to the schools to figure out how to use it … Some of the emails we’ve got from the schools have been wonderful.”

Mr Chitts said the group has organised to be there for three months, but will talk to Bunnings about extending it.

“We’d like to help out as many schools in the area as we can,” he said.

“The guys who do it on Friday love it because it’s fun.

“We’d like people to come along and support the men’s group and local schools.”

The Bunnings in Melton is located at 56 High Street, Melton.