Shine a light on a cure

Ayhan with his mum Meryem Senyuvarli and sister Ayla Pic Marcon De Luca

Ayhan’s mother calls him her “little star” and he’s getting ready to Light the Night in Melton for people with blood cancer.

The Brookfield five-year-old was diagnosed with leukaemia just days after his third birthday and is facing another year of treatment.

Ayhan and his family will take part their first Light the Night charity walk at Arthur Westlake Memorial Reserve.

The event is the Leukaemia Foundation’s largest annual fundraiser and raises money for the more than 12,000 Australians diagnosed with blood cancer.

Mum Meryem Senyuvali said she was thankful that Ayhan’s condition was now stable enough for him to participate in the walk.

“I’ve been wanting to get involved in Light the Night for a number of years,” Ms Senyuvali said. She said they wanted to show support for all those families who were affected by blood cancer because she understood their struggle.

“No one deserves to go through what we have,” Ms Senyuvali said.

“We were lucky in the sense that we didn’t have to quit our jobs, but Ayhan has still had his childhood taken away from him.”

On two occasions Ayhan lost his hair, he’s lost mobility and had to learn how to walk again. He still faces daily chemo tablets, monthly intensive treatments, countless hospital visits, needles and blood transfusions.

“He should be able to enjoy the things that kids his age should be doing, such as riding skate boards and playing outdoor soccer,” Ms Senyuvali said.

“Ayhan always has a smile on his face, and keeps charging forward no matter what.”

The family’s online fundraising campaign has topped $1000 in the past week and friends, family and colleagues continue to donate.

Ms Senyuvali said she has been distributing Light the Night wristbands in the hope of spreading awareness and encourages others to get involved.

Melton Light the Night at Arthur Westlake Memorial Reserve will held on Friday, October 6 starting at 6pm and will include a lantern raising ceremony, children’s activities, live entertainment and food.

Details: or call 1800 500 088.