Services now available for Moorabool carers

Informal carers Debby Fraumano, Irene Hogan, Bronwen Davenport in the Brisbane Ranges in June. (Out Doors Inc)

Eddie Russell

Informal carers in Moorabool and the Macedon Ranges will now be able to access nature-based mental health programs.

Not-for-profit organisation Out Doors Inc has received funding from the state government to offer its free services in the region.

Informal carers are people who look after and support people – often loved ones – with a disability, medical condition, mental illness, or age-related frailty.

According to Out Doors Inc, one in nine Australians are informal carers.

Programs run by Out Doors Inc include nature-based recreation, like bushwalking, canoeing, or campfire lunches, and creative programs, like bush art and music.

The initiative aims to give carers an outlet for stress relief through social connection, physical exercise, and creativity.

Acting program manager Christian Orellana said carers in the Moorabool and Macedon communities could briefly step back and focus on their own wellbeing.

“We see that moving away from things that might increase or heighten people’s conditions – loneliness, anxiety, depression — and focusing on other things is a respite from the brain,” he said.

“Coming out with us, having a break from their caring role, and having an adventure is a real opportunity to disconnect for short periods of time.”

Mr Orellana said many people did not identify as carers because they took care of loved ones, neighbours, or friends.

He hoped that people would acknowledge the sacrifice they made and make the most of the chance to take a well-earned chance to relax.

“It doesn’t matter how much time you spend, at the end of the day you are caring.”

“Given that carers do so much work and spend time thinking about others, our services are a great link to support them.”

A gap in services for informal carers is what spurred the creation of these programs.

Mr Orellana said collaboration was key to improving the coverage of support for informal carers who would benefit from mental health and wellbeing support.

“Our aim is to work with current services in those regions and offer something they might not,” he said.

“Now we’ve got a program to expand into those areas and remove boundaries like distance and access.”

Informal carers must be over the age of 16 and from Moorabool and the Macedon Ranges.
