Scotsburn out of the ashes

Eastern Victoria MP Harriet Shing, Trevor Smith, Donna Hart, Michelle Richards and Craig Lapsley

A group that has dedicated the past two years to the recovery of Scotsburn after it was ravaged by fires has won a state award for its commitment to the community.

Scotsburn Recovery Committee last week won the Victorian Resilient Australia Community Award for its work since the 2015 fires.

Moorabool mayor David Edwards said the committee tailored events and programs ensuring projects were planned by the community, for the community.

“We’re very proud of council staff … and all the local members of the committee, who have done such an amazing job at organising fundraisers, community events, information sessions and re-building,” Cr Edwards said.

The Blackwood CEMP Committee was also named a finalist at the awards.

The win means the recovery committee will represent Victoria at the National awards in Canberra later this year.