School mural makes state finals for art competition

Christ the Priest Primary School's entry in the Paint Australia Beautiful Schools Competition 2023. (Provided).

Liam McNally

A mural designed by Christ the Priest Primary School students has been shortlisted as a state finalist in the inaugural Paint Australia Beautiful Schools Competition 2023, and needs votes from the community to get across the line.

The competition by Keep Australia Beautiful and Haymes Paint asks school students to design murals for their schools centred around the theme of nature.

State level winners are decided by online voting from members of the public and will receive $750 to make their murals a reality, as well as another $500 on completion of the murals.

State winners will then go on to the national level to compete for an additional $2000 in prize money for the school.

Christ the Priest Primary School visual arts teacher Audrey Buttigieg Cardona said students the school is “very excited” about the competition.

“I ran an arts club during lunch times, they came up with most of the designs then voted on which parts should go into the mural,” she said.

“They’re very excited to get to paint it and for something colourful to go up in our school.

“The kids will be proud of what they’ve done, it gives pride in the school and the community.”

Online voting closes on May 7.
