School bonus extended

Education Minister Ben Carroll, Premier Jacinta Allan and Footscray MP Katie Hall at Footscray Primary School. (Supplied)

A $400 school saving bonus announced in May’s state budget will also be able to be spent on textbooks, the state government has announced.

The government introduced the bonus to help cover the cost of uniforms, camps, excursions and other extracurricular activities throughout the year for students at government schools and eligible students at non-government schools.

On August 28, Premier Jacinta Allan and Education Minister Ben Carroll announced the $400 could also be spent on textbooks.

“Getting a world-class public education in Victoria will always be free – but supplies and extracurricular activities can really add up for families,” Mr Carroll said.

The government said schools and families will receive more information about the bonus this week, with the $400 able to to be accessed from November.

Families will receive a code granting them access to the bonus. They will get to choose how much of the funds they want allocated to a uniform and textbook voucher, and how much they want to use on school activities – like camps, sports, excursions, graduations, and other eligible programs.

For families of students at a non-government school, the $400 will be provided directly to each school – to be managed in consultation with the student’s family and in line with the intent of the program.

Non-government school families who are eligible for the means-tested camps, sports and excursions fund (including healthcare and concession card holders) are eligible for the school saving bonus.