School art show an homage to past legends

The iconic Cambell's Soup Can by Andy Warhol was a pop culture revolution in the 1960s. (supplied) 431870_01

On Friday September 6, the finest artworks were on full display in an inaugural Thornhill Park Primary school art exhibition.

The pieces, made by students, covered a range of topics and techniques inspired by famous artists, including Andy Warhol, Vincent Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Henri Matisse, Jeannie Baker and Claude Monet.

One of the standouts was the display of Egyptian masks, inspired by the recent Pharaoh Exhibition at the NGV.

The show was organised by visual arts teachers Sally Shoebridge and Victor Pody.

Ms Shoebridge said a mixture of excitement and pride was in the air when families arrived at the exhibition.

“It is truly an amazing level of work we have seen and the whole school has been buzzing with excitement,” she said.

“It was a fun and entertaining night for all.”

The school is looking to do the exhibition biannually following the successful first event.