Safety plea over winter fires threat

Residents are being asked to stay vigilant during the “forgotten fire season”.

The Country Fire Authority and Metropolitan Fire Brigade have warned that winter brings with it more preventable house fires than any other season.

CFA chief Steve Warrington said there was no off season when it came to fires.

“Winter is a time where we’re spending more time inside keeping warm by enjoying an open fire and a home-cooked meal or cranking up the heater,”
Mr Warrington said.

“It’s also when we have to be most vigilant, as there are more residential fire risks within the house.

“Now is the time to check your electric blankets and heaters.

“If there is a chance something is faulty, don’t take the risk.”

Fire brigades last week launched the Residential Fire Safety campaign to raise awareness of some of the ways people can be safer around the house.

Other fire safety tips include keeping clothing a safe distance from heaters, cleaning clothes dryer filters, turning off electrical appliances not in use, avoiding placing weighty objects on beds with electric blankets and taking care when cooking.

The fire and rescue services also urge residents to replace old smoke alarms with new units.

New smoke alarms have lithium batteries with a 10-year life.
