Rock’n’roll starsgear up for gig

Jayden Vermeend is helping young locals prepare for a live show. (Damjan Janevski) 422188_03

In 2022, Jayden Vermeend took to the stage at the Ballan Neighbourhood House for the Young and Local program.

Now, he returns as the program co-ordinator, helping aspiring young musicians in Moorabool to hone their musicianship and stagecraft.

Participants in the program will play live at the Hide and Seek Festival in Ballan later in November this year.

These types of opportunities are rare for budding performers in the region, Vermeend said.

“It’s something you don’t get to see very often. Your main music events tend to be less in regional areas, so it’s really nice to have something super local and super young,” he said.

Vermeend is from Morrisons, a town of about 128 people.

He said the program was an opportunity for young people like himself to not only pursue pathways in music but meet like-minded people.

“Your next door neighbour is a couple of kilometres away, so it’s really nice to have this all in one place that everyone can go to.

“I want to be able to give what I lacked while I was learning to become a musician… and help to further develop the next generation.”

In the Young and Local program, participants will learn things like audio engineering, event management, song writing, marketing, and more.

For Vermeend, the benefits have been great.

“Being a part of this program has allowed me to develop not only my musicianship, but also my leadership skills and my knowledge of how everyone’s involvement in an event is important.”

For Vermeend, there is one universal truth that being involved in this initiative has affirmed to him.

“The world will always need the entertainment that musicians provide.”

Eddie Russell